Anger Management and Jealousy Issues
Start Liking Yourself And Control Your Anger or Jealousy
Anger is an intense emotion that most of us feel from time to time. Suppressing anger is not the optimal way to deal with it, nor is the full expression of it because either extreme can lead to an undesirable outcome. With Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, you can learn to deal with your anger in a constructive manner without suppressing it or expressing it inappropriately.
What causes your anger? A blaming game!
Anger results from a person's reaction to how he or she perceives an event, not from the event itself. How is this possible? Imagine the following situation. Someone calls you 'selfish.' In any given group of people, not all will react with anger at being called 'selfish.' Each person might have a different reaction, with some feeling angry, and others, feeling hurt, ashamed, or guilty. Still, others might react by feeling depressed or even indifferent.
Therefore, if you agree that individual people react differently under the same circumstances, you're actually saying that you're the one making yourself angry, not the other person. That's because not everyone perceives a situation in the same way. That difference in perception depends on the beliefs, inferences, and interpretations learned from earlier experiences.
Cognitive Behavioural Management of Anger Issues
In CBT, anger management will focus on identifying and modifying your dysfunctional beliefs, CAUSING your anger. You will develop strategies for communicating anger appropriately and respectfully. You can learn to control the factors that contribute to the anger by becoming more assertive and alleviating your anxiety.
Anger management is very effective once you recognise that you make yourself angry, and you are willing to change some of your beliefs and behaviours. You may be able to transform unhealthy anger into healthier feelings such as annoyance or disappointment. This may be accomplished in as few as 6 to 12 therapy sessions. Between sessions, you will be asked to perform some tasks to practice what you have learned.
Contact Anapsys to arrange an appointment.